Friday, November 16, 2007

PayPal Debit Card

After soooo long searching for any debit card that can be used in Paypal i found the page on paypal itself(yet i had browsed it anywhere on web!). Can this be our light of hope Indonesians? Maybe yes..maybe no ;) It was PayPal Debit Card.

I found it somewhere on MY paypal account but can't find it again if i search through my paypal. The link here i got from searching from yahoo SE. I am not sure too if this is a fraud link(since i DID find this page somewhere in my paypal account but can't be sure of it now)

Be sure you read the TOS before applying application. HERE

The good thing using the PayPal Debit Card is that it draws right from your paypal account and you even get 1% cash back on purchases! So much about a dream come true huh? If you using another bank CC-withdraw to ATM they charge you USD 5 and if you use Paypal DC they charge you USD 1! Regular purchases at a store are fee free. and based on the info there are no anual fees. But the question this dream true? So far they that actually can use the Paypal DC are the one that lives and works in US and, in limited circumstances, select non-U.S. PayPal users only. Does this mean we can privately request a PP DC in the Indonesia? Are we still need the US Bank or VMI?(assuming that the Paypal DC is only a dream afterall). Well, we'd never know until one of us, Indonesians give it a try! If you ask me, i can't, my balance is the big 0 at paypal lol.

Paypal keep saying that the debit card can be used worldwide in every atm that stated cirrus/maestro logo.

Andrew Ooi in Malaysia had tried to withdraw his amount of money: HERE

solution: try to contact the PayPal Customer Support Agent and asking them directly whether PP DC can be used in Indonesia, since people in Canada, and UK are considered US but still found problem with PP DC.

add the details i found: And no the debit card is not available outside of the US. :,(

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pulang dari God's New Springtime

Dear guys, kemarin gua ngalamin kejadian seremmm banget.

Kemarin pas pergi dgn teman2 dan teman2nya teman gua ke kebaktian gereja.

Nah tahu kan God's New springtime itu? ya itu itu. Acaranya asyik banget dah! suaranya judika kerennn man! ok ok but bukan ini yang maw diceritain, yang diceritain itu yah pas pulangnya.

GUE HAMPIR NYANTEP POLISI LANTAS PAKE MOBIL GUA! OHH...mana gua gigi 3 lagi! si polisinya udah loncat2 dan pasang muka ngeri aja, untung pas gak sampe 1 meter dari dia gue berhasil rem dadakan piuhhhh jantungku seng muncrat di dashboard..ceritanya tuh ya, ada pemeriksaan mobil, mobil2 disuruh menepi, nah berhubung mobilku ndak disuruh berhenti namun mobil yang berada di depan kanan saya yang disuruh, jadi saya menyalip ke kanan tepat di belakang mobil itu saat ia menepi ke kiri. Eh tak tahunya ternyata ada polisi yang berada di jalan itu-polisinya sendiri tidak kelihatan di jalur saya yang sebelumnya jadi dengan pedenya waktu pindah jalur gua nge-gas. Nah saat itulah saya melihat polisi. Mata melotot kaget lihat saya ngebut..udah gak bisa apa-apa selain pasang muka ngeri aja lihat mobil..alhamdulilah bapak e ora apa-apa...amin amin..

Lalu mobil saya diperiksa sama polisinya dicek ada narkoba apa engga, ditanyain cewek2 kok pulangnya malem?(sekitar jam 11-12 an malam) kan pulang kebaktian pak..untung diantara temen ada yang bawa akitab jadi tidak ditanya2 macem2 lagi langsung boleh pergi. Amin..pulang kebaktian sih makanya dilindungi Tuhan untung tidak bermasalah apa2 dengan polisi.

kalau imbas paling2 semua yang pas ikut di mobil udah gak mau di setirin lagi sama gua hehehe ah udah2 lanjut browsing lagi ah! see ya guys, kalo masih di sini di blog kasih koment ya, Luv ya, muahh! GBU :DD

Have a blessed day

Monday, November 5, 2007

Global Warming

We all know that we need land to live. We need them to plant wheat, rice, fruits, etc for our food; as well as the space for our home, and so forth. Land developers build homes for us. Not only that, they also give us our shopping centers, apartments, amusement parks, and other structures that can fulfill our needs. But sometimes we go too much. We cut down trees and forests just for a luxury villa for a rich people and movie stars. We pollute rivers only to make rings and bracelets. We kill sharks for a disgusting dish made of their fins.

We don’t really need luxury villas. Many people that built the villas just want to live large, show off, and impress the public. We don’t really need expensive rings and bracelets. It’s just for show off. We can always eat something else, anything but the shark fin soup, dog meat, kangaroo meat, and so forth and so on. We can use cotton for our clothes, and not animal fur. That’s why Miss Universe Riyo Mori got criticized by animal activists for wearing animal fur on her clothes. She even got e-mailed because she didn’t respond to the strike they’ve put up.

We, humans, have lived for a long time on this planet. In ancient times, we didn’t pollute the lakes. We used cotton and fur from animals that were plentiful, such as sheep. We didn’t hunt too many sharks; we hunted them on a limited number. But now, we live in a total opposite of those behaviors, and then we start having many problems. Maybe it’s about time for us to go back to the Stone Age and try to live like ape-man. Just kiding.

We have been having problems with nature. Our pollution causes global warming and holes in the ozone layer. The ice at the poles is melting, and we’re on the brink of sinking. Global warming also whips up more storms and tornadoes. Pollution and our bad habit create another problem in our health and social life. And now, we’re suffering from it. No more beautiful skin and cozy environment in our daily life.

In our city, the troubles are becoming worse with every coming minute. You’ve seen the problems on TV. You know the problems. We all know how to solve them. But why it hasn’t been solved? Economic profit for the major companies is the main cause of the unsolved problems. George W. Bush hasn’t ratified many environment agreements, thus causing the USA to be one of the major pollutants of the world. Come on, people. We need nature. Nature needs us. Where else can we live – Mars? We haven’t developed Mars, man. We don’t have the technology, yet. So we need to keep nature alive for as long as we can. Besides, we can’t live alone. We’re not alone on this planet. Don’t build villas or high rise tower for yourself and endangering nature and millions of people – including yourself – at the same time. You know how it works. Let’s Stop Global Warming now.

*) Putu Agung Wija Putera, Contributor, Student (SMP Kanisius, Jakarta).

Want to do something to slow down global warming?

1. Use an non aerosol hairspray
2. Don't drink soda(or at least be minimise), coke etc it's bad for earth and it's bad for your body too. Better drink green tea, as it's slow down the radiation/cancer in your body.
3. Plant a tree or small plant on your apartemen. A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.
4. Only use Air conditioner at night
5. Turn off any un used electronic devices. When you're not using them, turning the device off can save thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
6. Drive less. Walk, bike, or take mass transit more often. You'll save one pound carbon dioxide for everymile you don't drive.
7. Recycle more.
8. Less using wodden chopstick. Instead use a metal chopstick.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Menjadi dewasa

Banyak yang bilang kalau saya ini kekanak-kanakan. Padahal umur sudah mencapai 23 tapi kelakuan masih seperti anak-anak. Polos. Gampang dibohongi. Mudah percaya. Kalau istilah kerennya sih Innocent gitu loh :)

Padahal sudah setengah hidup dan mati berusaha jadi dewasa tapi kok masih saja dibilang anak-anak...ada malah yang bilang kalau saya itu bayi(heehhh matamu nang ngendi, wes besar sak ngene mbok bilang isik bayi??!) Saya jadi berpikir apa segitunya masih kekanak-kanakan.....penampilan sudah berubah menjadi anggun(emang banyak yang bilang gini..suwer!) muka emang manis dari sananya hahahaha tapi kelakuan...bookkk masih anak2 yoo huhuhuhu....

hmm lalu apa sih sebenarnya yang bedain dewasa dan anak-anak?
denger punya denger katanya orang dewasa itu memberi, sedangkan anak-anak itu menerima. Sejauh ini sih beda orang dewasa dan anak-anak ya itu. Tapi semestinya ada lagi kan? apa ya...beda orang dewasa dan anak-anak?